inilah, wajah - wajah dibalik layar kemegahan HOSCOK

true name: Rizky Febryanto Supriadi
official name:PakGeng
ttl: majang, 10-feb-'92
humz: Tempeh villages
status: Hoscok Pradana
motivation: try something differ 2 make u differ
advice: U are U, nobody like U, so make yourself great, be U'r self
true name: Afrilia Tino Saputri
secret name: bu negara
Ttl: majang23April’93
Humz: perum asabri blok l
Status: secretary
Motivation: gaining experiences in order to create a better future
Advice: explore your self, look for your wisdom and keep it for your future
About me: don’t touch me, or my husband will put you in to jail, cz he is a president of smada, hehehehe
True name: Chasyanah Lukianingtyas
Juast call her: Tyas SiJal
Ttl: mazank – 10 – okt –‘92
Humz: jl.pb sudirman 1/V
Status: Treasurer
Motivation: no motivation woman
Advice: makeyour life funny
About me: what are you reading at? SI Jal
True name: Robi Zam-Zam M.F.
Hoscok’s terms: Adzam
Ttl: loemazank ; desember ; 10th ; 1993
Humz: Randuagung City C.Q. Godonk Music Studio
Status: training specialist (co.)
Motivation: SCOUTING = PREPARING for a better world and future
Advice: it doesn’t matter
what do they say about you, it matters what do you thing about your self.
About me: I will break the barriers
True name: Marena Thalita
Profession name: rere reyya
Ttl: sby ‘ 7 okto93
Humz: Tempeh yooooo
Status: training specialist
Motivation: I do scout, I am ready to see the future
Advice: I love my lovely live, you should love your lovely live, cz your lovely live can only be loved by your love.
About me: yes, I am the sinden of HOSCok
True name: Bayu Widya Martha
Famous name: mask Le’ bhay
Ttl: LMZ 14MAR93
Humz: Kraton YOSOWIL punyaaaaaa
Status: HOSCok’s Acts specialist (co.)
Motivation: open my eyes on the scout, wow, I see my future
Advice: your knowledge is nothing, learn more, and come to share with me.
About me: it’s hard to say, I love you, I LOVE YOU FULL
True name: Mil’us Samawati Prakoso
Lovely name: Usti
Ttl: lumazang, 06 joeli 1994
Humz: jl.bromo no.33 lumajang
Status: HOSCok’s acts specialist
Motivation: I will put my self on scouting, although it will risk my self, cz it is for my future
Advice: don’t say “experience is a good or better teacher” because “experience is the best teacher”
About me: let’s make it beautiful
True name: Wahyu Nur Wahid
Favor name: Yunda Yuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ttl: maret 12 1993 di lumajjjang
Humz: jalan kastpi’I no.4 klanting
Status: evaluation and improvement specialist (co.)
Motivation: HOSCOK, I love you
Advice: look in to your hearth, is your self there? You can’t find yourself because you wan’t
About me: Islam is may main way, scout is my another way, THE WAYS TO SUCCESS
True name: Syahidah Fani Nastiti
Nicky name: Assi
Ttl: blitar, ’94 maret 23
Humz: jl.jeruk 18 lumajang
Status: evaluation and improvement specialist
Motivation: I will be success trough my lacks
Advice: don’t look backward, it hurts, just see forward, and be ready to head it.
About me: just do it lovely